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Coffee and Conversation

Join us tomorrow for our Friday morning fellowship! We strongly encourage upper academy parents to join to get a chance to meet the new upper academy counselor, Ms. Johnson.

Topic: Coffee and Conversation- 2/25/22

Time: Feb 25, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Ivy Preparatory Academy

Title 1 School

Ivy Prep is the 1st single-gender, K-8 charter school for girls in Georgia, educating families living in DeKalb County, Clayton County, South Fulton, and zoned for  Atlanta Public Schools.

Tel:  (404) 622-2727

Fax: (404) 373-6611

1807 Memorial Drive SE

Atlanta, Ga 30317

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Ivy Preparatory Academy does not discriminate nor condone discrimination by scholars, employees, or third parties on the basis of ethnic identity, religion, race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, marital status, or pregnancy in any program or activity of, or sponsored by, the school and provides equal access to designated youth groups.

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